Every child has a right to emerge as a successful leader by being honest, productive and result oriented, which means we are focused on equity. The school’s vision is to implement culturally relevant curriculum to a safe, orderly, respectful and mature learning environment, to make the students believe that initiative taken even by a single individual can change the socio-economic scenario of the nation for the betterment.


The mission of Alchemy School is to make the students substantial citizens when they go out from the portals of Alchemy imbibed with strong moral values and analytical thinking to groom and perfect interactive skills, to develop cognitive and motor skills. More so, to develop attitude for life time, transformation to keep he students abreast with the latest happenings and technology and to dream big bur realistically, keeping in the mind the rich culture and tradition of our country.

The Only Ship That Is Safe In A Storm Is Leadership!

So, Now Is The Time To Take The Initiative And Be Involved To Evolve!!!